Tuesday, June 15, 2010

What's Up, Doc?

Sometimes you just need to let people know what's up.

I almost didn't post today. It's Tuesday, and I always post to Just Five Minutes on Tuesdays, but today I felt I didn't have time.

That's funny, isn't it? The blog is called Just Five Minutes, and I didn't feel I had time to post. (I'm rolling my eyes at myself as I type this.) Fortunately I realized how ridiculous that is. So here I am.

I know why I felt so pressed for time, and the reason's legitimate. My team at work was recently notified that the budget for our project won't be extended. We all need to look for jobs. So that's what I was doing tonight. I put together and sent off four resume/application packages. Frankly, that ate my evening. So the post I had planned to write isn't going to happen today.

And that's okay. Not posting--that wouldn't have been okay. It would have left those of you who read this blog wondering where I was and what had happened. Not cool. Not when I can spend just five minutes writing a quick post that lets you know I'm here and still working on this blog.

Just five minutes can let others know what's going on.

1 comment:

  1. WTF. I skipped a week on my blog. I did not sit down for those five minutes. What.


    As usual, I do agree with you. Even if my actions weren't quite the same. :)
