Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Someone Else's Time

Sometimes it's someone else's five minutes that makes a difference in your life.

I'm going to Seth Godin: Live in Minneapolis on Thursday. I'm broke, and about to be unemployed, but he inspires me enough that I know he's worth it. I live 8 hours from Minneapolis, so I'm taking the next three days off. And, although I'm not a fan of driving long distances, I am giddy -- yes, giddy -- about this trip. I am going to a question ad answer session with someone whose advice I respect. Someone whose words and ideas inspire me.

It was actually a blog post of Seth Godin
(and the egging on of Ginger Reader, blogger at BADD)that got me started writing this blog. His post was about how, if you rock for just five minutes a day, you can do extraordinary things.

I have that particular bog post printed out and hanging in my cubicle. Not only does it remind me to have an extraordinary five minutes every day, it reminds me that, when I do something less than extraordinary, it's okay. Not everything has to be fantastic, awesome, spectacular. And that's important to remember.

The (less than) five minutes I spent reading that post have influenced me and others I've shared it with.

What has influenced you in just five minutes?

1 comment:

  1. List your assets first...that's what I learned in the last five minutes of a Tony Robbins download about living/working your true gifts and doing what you love to do.

    When people are struggling in life, finances, career, etc., and are asked to list their assets and liablities, they tend to list the liabilities first (focusing on what is wrong or what they don't have). Tony said that highly successful people list their assets first (they focus on what's right rather than what's wrong; what they do have rather than what's missing; on their talents and gifts rather than giving into low self-esteem).

    Those five minutes provided me with a fresh, and empowering, perspective.
